General rules for the meetings

For the Ones Sharing:

  1. It is ok to cry.

  2. You don’t have to share anything you are not comfortable with.

  3. If you have an issue with another attendee, this is not the place to address it.

  4. Try and refrain from using names during your share.

  5. If you decide you no longer want to share, you can stop at any time, even if you haven’t finished.

  6. Be mindful of time (how long you share), your share is very important, but please make sure and be mindful that others will need to share as well.

for the ones listening:



  3. No Interruptions (this includes body gestures and noises).

  4. No Distractions.

  5. No side bar conversations during a share.

  6. No cell phones in sight. (In your pocket or purse is ok, or leave in your car.)

  7. No rushing the sharer.

  8. Don’t “1 up” someones share.

  9. Don’t hand over kleenex, there will be plenty in the room. (This takes attention off of the person and on to you.)

General rules

  1. No “One on One” shares. There must be a minimum of 3 people in each group. (This protects everyone)

  2. We are not here to “fix’ you, but we are here to support you. So, no therapy or advice will be given at these meetings, just a listening ear.

  3. There will be a facilitator setting the tone and leading each group, so it is ran in an organized manner.

  4. No one under 16 is allowed at the meetings or in the building during meetings. This is for the safety of everyone.